Sunday, March 23, 2014


How goes the resolution? 50 books....
I stared The Book Thief about the time of my last post. I really wanted to read it...I read about 40% of it and then I just needed something stupid...a dumb storyline... nothing to really think about....a happy ending....and so I read Friends and Then some. It was a quick read and was a typical little romance book. In knew the main characters would get together in the end. And I suppose I needed that. I read about half of Shit My Dad Says again. Such a funny book. 
Finally this week I decided to finish The Book Thief. And today I did. Tears streaming down my face, it is finished. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Resolutions 2014


So my last post was almost a year ago.  It was our resolutions for movie watching.  Did we make it?  Do you care?  No we didn't...not even close.  I think maybe 41 movies....That's 3 a month.  Lame....we're lame.  
2013 was a great year.  We became official residents of Colorado YAY!!  We visited Wyoming about a dozen times YAY!!  I got a job as a cosmetology educator....Tony still has his job at the lab.  We bought a new car....a brand spanking new car...with a whole 7 miles on it.  A 2014 Ford Focus ST.  We became Vegetarians on June 4, 2013.  It's been nice.  I can't believe how much better I feel.  
And so Resolutions for 2014????  Get out of debt....move from this train infested apartment (hopefully into our own house)  As for myself?  Read more.  I miss reading.  I've already read 2 books this year.  The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty and The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks.  There are no crazy rules about not having read it before, but I would like to read at least 50 books this year.  That's it....well besides be healthy, be alive, be positive and enjoy life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So Anthony I decided to make a resolution for ourselves this year.  And it's probably going to need revamped....but it will be fun.

When we were first dating we used to watch movies so much that we couldn't go to the theater because we'd seen all of the movies there....and we couldn't go to the video store (yes video store...before Redbox and Netflix) because we'd seen all of those movies in the theater already.  We tried renting older movies...and that worked for a while.  Eventually we just stopped renting movies and going to movies for one reason or another.  So this year Anthony suggested that we try to watch 365 movies in 2013.  Will we be able to do it??  Well it's January 29 and we've only watched 9 chances are we won't make it, but we can try :)  (Anthony has already suggested we cut the number in half to 183)
There are rules 
1. It must be a movie at least one of has never seen (this has already been changed to movies  we don't remember seeing or haven't seen in a very long time)
2. They can't be TV movies (no hallmark or lifetime movies)  (this rule was made because I got Anthony hooked on hallmark and lifetime Christmas movies this last holiday and I watched a million while he was working-hey they showed 4 a night what's a girl to do?)

Really that's it....Doesn't sound too hard does it??? 

This is the list so far:
1. Total Recall 2012 
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
4. Looper
5. Prometheus
6. Hope Springs     (LOVE THIS MOVIE)
7. Dredd 
8. Trouble With the Curve 
9. The Words    (LAME Don't bother wish I could have 2 hours of my life back)

We need to get a move on it if we're going to make even half of the goal.....